Customer & Employee Communication After COVID-19—Your Key to Success

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As businesses start to open up in the coming months, it’s important to have a clear client and employee communication plan to show what you’re doing to keep them safe. As soon as businesses open, the question at the top of employees and customers’ minds will be: is this building safe to enter? Your business’s success depends on making sure they know it’s safe. 


Not only that, but you’ll also need to provide a valuable strategy to keep your building sanitary while employee and client foot-traffic steadily increases. In order to unlock your potential in continuing to beat COVID-19 post-pandemic, there are a few steps and strategies you should enforce.


Your Plan for Reopening

What are your plans to keep employees and clients safe? Things like a weekly cleaning schedule, daily sanitization, and routine disinfection are all strategies you’ll have to consider before opening your doors to the public. Be sure to have a solidified plan to share with your clients and employees as soon as they step foot in the door. Be proactive about your plans to keep everyone safe isn’t a moot point—it will ultimately determine the success of your business.


Have a Sanitation Specialist On-Site… 

As we’ve discussed in previous articles, your company’s health, wellness, and productivity is going to hinge on whether or not you hire a professional to maintain sanitation. Hire a team of On-Site Sanitation Specialists to handle things like deep cleaning, routine cleaning, and daily sanitization is the only way to guarantee proper COVID-19 handling protocols are in place and prevent an outbreak in your facility.

…And Make It Known

Your next step is to make sure that employees and clients are aware of their presence. In order to keep your business flourishing, show people what you’re doing to keep them safe during this pandemic will reinforce transparency and accountability. The important thing is to allow employees and clients to express any concerns about contaminants before an outbreak occurs. Sanitation experts are qualified to handle any potential debris and contamination and dispose of it properly before it can wreak havoc.


Put Signs Everywhere

The success of your business is nothing without the health of the employees behind it. Keep employees and clients aware of proper COVID-19 prevention strategies. Enforce hand-washing, wiping down surfaces, and the use of masks to further prevent the spread of any potential contaminants. With the risk of contraction still a possibility, keeping contact to a minimum and continuing social distancing is a great way to stay alert and aware of your surroundings. 

Be sure to actively post fliers, signs, and other displays around the office for clients and employees to see. Send out emails and newsletters about the new sanitization protocols is a great way to get everyone on board. 


Invest in Proper Sanitation Tools

COVID-19 is spread by close contact with other people. When working within the confines of your workplace, be sure to provide your employees and any visiting clients with the tools they need to stay safe. Invest in copious amounts of disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, face masks, and sterile gloves to lower their risk of contracting Coronavirus. 

Be in constant communication with your team to acknowledge any incoming requests for new supplies or restocking. Setting your team up for health and success early on in this pandemic is crucial to prevent infection and keep your business running smoothly.


Thinking of reopening your essential business? Start sanitizing your space today. From deep cleaning to routine sanitization, there’s no better way to show your team that you’re serious about their safety.  Check out all of our COVID-19 sanitation and disinfection services in our COVID-19 Resource Center.

Ready to start working with our team? Contact us with the form at the top of this page, email us at or give us a call at 877-663-6766.